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Category: Terrestrial Distribution

Terrestrial Distribution

  • Johansson. 6700 -
  Profiler Revolution (Now with AUTO SCAN!)

    6700 Profiler
    Revolution (Now with AUTO SCAN!)

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF /
    > 50 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote power

    The Johansson Profiler Revolution is an easy to use programmable filter
    amplifier and convertor for terrestrial signals. The module optimizes
    terrestrial VHF/UHF and BI+FM signals from multiple inputs with the goal to
    provide high quality images on your TV screen. The state-of-the-art programmable
    filter amplifier has no equivalent on the market due to its revolutionary
    Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
    Can process more than 50 channels (32 filters)
    Can process individual DAB channels (1,7 MHz)
    Can process S-Band output channels
    Can simultaneously handle VHF & UHF signals from the same input
    Can convert a wide selection of channels
    5G LTE Protection (694MHz)
    Sharpest filters on the market (>50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual filters
    Complete flexibility in assigning filters from any input. Each channel can
    be frequency shifted to any other channel in the VHF or UHF band (Flex
    To avoid unauthorized persons changing the settings, all Profiler products
    can be locked with a security code
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application
    5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF including DAB Subchannels
    12-24 V remote power (Auto DC during channel scan)
    Product dimensions (H X W X D): 165mm x 217mm x 59mm

    Back: Ref. 6040C59
    Next: Ref. 6701

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  • Johansson. 6701 - Profiler Revolution

    6701 Profiler Revolution Lite

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF /
    > 50 Channels / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V remote power / AUTOSCAN

    The new Johansson Profiler Revolution LITE has no equivalent on the market
    due to its revolutionary technology: 

    Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process more than 50 channels 
    Can convert a wide selection of channels 
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application 
    The Profiler Revolution facilitates straightforward configuration and is
    the most cost-efficient Profiler on the market 
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4) . 

    Here’s what the first users of the Profiler Revolution say: 
    it truly is an innovative product with 5 big advantages: 
    The most cost-efficient channel convertor solution on the market, with
    great flexibility to assign any VHF/UHF input to any VHF/UHF
    Very easy and fast installation , without the need for a field strength
    Extremely sharp filters , 50 dB on adjacent channels and integrated 5G
    filters. The Profiler Revolution can filter and amplify very weak signals.
    This is something that our test users could not do in the past with other
    Perfect headend for your fibre installation to equalise and optimise the
    Excellent quality of the output signal , the Profiler Revolution optimises
    the incoming digital terrestrial signal to assure supreme video quality on
    the end-users’ TV-screens

    Back: Ref. 6700
    Next: Ref. 6702

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  • Johansson. 6702 - Profiler Revolution SAT

    6702 Profiler Revolution SAT

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 6 inputs: SAT/ FM / 4 x VHF-UHF
    / > 50 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote power / AUTOSCAN

    Increase the amount of content, minimize installation costs and improve the
    video quality with the profiler revolution SAT 

    When satellite content must be combined with a terrestrial source,
    additional and expensive equipment must be installed. 
    With the Profiler Revolution SAT, this problem is solved. 
    The 6702 is a state-of-the-art digital Profiler, and an additional
    Satellite stream can be added to the output. 

    The new Johansson Profiler Revolution SAT has no equivalent on the market
    due to its revolutionary technology: 
    Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process more than 50 channels (Terrestrial and Satellite)
    Can convert a wide selection of Terrestrial channels 
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application 
    The Profiler Revolution SAT facilitates straightforward
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)

    Back: Ref. 6701
    Next: Ref. 6710

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  • Johansson. 6710 - Profino Revolution

    6710 Profino Revolution

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 4 inputs: 1 FM + 1 DAB/VHF + 2
    UHF / 20 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote power

    The Profino Revolution will boost your business 

    The Profino Revolution is a light version digital Profiler. 
    The 6710 has 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs. 
    Up to 20 Channels can be filtered and amplified. 
    The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp. 

    The new Johansson Profino Revolution has no equivalent on the market due to
    its revolutionary technology: 
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process up to 20 channels 
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application 
    The Profino Revolution is really easy to install 
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)

    Back: Ref. 6702
    Next: Ref. 6711

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  • Johansson. 6711 - Profino Revolution Plus

    6711 Profino Revolution Plus

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 4 inputs: 1 FM + 1 DAB/VHF + 2
    UHF / >50 Channels (15 filters) / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V remote

    The Profino Revolution Plus will boost your business 

    The Profino Revolution Plus is a light version digital
    The 6711 has 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs. 
    > 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted. 
    The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp. 

    The new Johansson Profino Revolution Plus has no equivalent on the market
    due to its revolutionary technology:
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process up to > 50 channels 
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application 
    The Profino Revolution Plus is really easy to install 
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4) 
    Equalize and optimize terrestrial signals for your optical installation (70
    dBµV output power is optimal: you might use the test port (-30dB))

    Back: Ref. 6710
    Next: Ref. 6713

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  • Johansson. 6713 - Profino Revolution Plus

    6713 Profino Revolution Plus SAT

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: 1 SAT + 1 FM + 1
    DAB/VHF + 2 UHF / >50 Channels (15 filters) / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V
    remote power

    The Profino Revolution Plus Sat will boost your business 

    The Profino Revolution Plus SAT is a light version digital
    The 6713 has 1SAT, 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs. 
    > 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted. 
    The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp. 

    The new Johansson Profino Revolution Plus SAT has no equivalent on the
    market due to its revolutionary technology: 
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process up to > 50 channels (Terrestrial and Satellite)
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application 
    The Profino Revolution Plus SAT is really easy to install 
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4) 
    Equalize and optimize terrestrial and satellite signals for your optical
    installation (70 dBµV output power is optimal: you might use the test port

    Back: Ref. 6711
    Next: Ref. 7317

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  • Johansson. KIT6714 - Profino Revolution
  Lite + Power Supply

    KIT6714 Profino Revolution Lite + Power

    Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: AUTOSCAN FUNCTION / 1 FM/VHF/UHF
    & 2 VHF/UHF inputs / >50 Channels (32 filters) / 108 dBµV / AGC /
    Power over Coax / 12V Power Supply Included (ref.2438)

    The Profino Revolution Lite  is a light version digital Profiler with
    Auto-scan function. 

    The KIT6714 has 1 FM/VHF/UHF & 2 VHF/UHF inputs. 
    > 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted. 
    The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp. 
    DC powering via output
    12V Power Supply Included (ref.2438)

    The new Johansson Profino Revolution Lite has no equivalent on the market
    due to its revolutionary technology:
    Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
    Can process up to > 50 channels 
    Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
    Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes 
    Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
    Made in Europe, for worldwide application. 
    Patented technology!
    With the Auto-scan function, the Profino Revolution Lite is really easy to
    RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)

    Back: Ref. DIPLEXR1-09
    Next: Ref. KIT7329

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  • Johansson. KIT7471L2 - Smart Amp 1 IN
  (5G) KIT

    KIT7471L2 Smart Amp 1 IN (5G) KIT


    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power

    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 5G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7460L2/2436
    Next: Ref. KIT7472L2

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  • Johansson. KIT7472L2 - Smart Amp 2 IN
  (5G) KIT

    KIT7472L2 Smart Amp 2 IN (5G) KIT




    Combining multiple terrestrial antennas for full HDTV reception in SFU is
    often a problem. 

    Mostly, the signal from multiple antennas is combined using a simple
    splitter, but this solution doesn’t work:

    Loss of 4dB (minimum) = only half the signal left when combining 2

    Channels with same Channel Number are lost
    Poor isolation between adjacent channels
    Lots of interruptions due to bad signal quality

    TV viewers are looking more and more towards terrestrial TV reception. But
    the current situation is absolutely not optimal… 

    So the market needs a solution that offers better signal quality, more TV
    channels, Plug & Play installation!

    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Channels with the same frequency can be amplified in and re-located to the
    4G/5G band (switchable)
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power
    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 5G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7471L2
    Next: Ref. KIT7473L1

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  • Johansson. KIT7473L1 - Smart Amp 3 IN
  (4G) KIT

    KIT7473L1 Smart Amp 3 IN (4G) KIT




    Combining multiple terrestrial antennas for full HDTV reception in SFU is
    often a problem. 

    Mostly, the signal from multiple antennas is combined using a simple
    splitter, but this solution doesn’t work:

    Loss of 4dB (minimum) = only half the signal left when combining 2

    Channels with same Channel Number are lost
    Poor isolation between adjacent channels
    Lots of interruptions due to bad signal quality

    TV viewers are looking more and more towards terrestrial TV reception. But
    the current situation is absolutely not optimal… 

    So the market needs a solution that offers better signal quality, more TV
    channels, Plug & Play installation!

    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Channels with the same frequency can be amplified in and re-located to
    4G/5G band (switchable)
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power
    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 4G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7472L2
    Next: Ref. KIT7473L2

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  • Johansson. KIT7473L2 - Smart Amp 3 IN
  (5G) KIT

    KIT7473L2 Smart Amp 3 IN (5G) KIT




    Combining multiple terrestrial antennas for full HDTV reception in SFU is
    often a problem. 

    Mostly, the signal from multiple antennas is combined using a simple
    splitter, but this solution doesn’t work:

    Loss of 4dB (minimum) = only half the signal left when combining 2

    Channels with same Channel Number are lost
    Poor isolation between adjacent channels
    Lots of interruptions due to bad signal quality

    TV viewers are looking more and more towards terrestrial TV reception. But
    the current situation is absolutely not optimal… 

    So the market needs a solution that offers better signal quality, more TV
    channels, Plug & Play installation!

    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Channels with the same frequency can be amplified in and re-located to the
    4G/5G band (switchable)
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power start-up.
    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 5G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7473L1
    Next: Ref. KIT7474L1

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  • Johansson. KIT7474L1 - Smart Amp 4 IN
  (4G) KIT

    KIT7474L1 Smart Amp 4 IN (4G) KIT




    Combining multiple terrestrial antennas for full HDTV reception in SFU is
    often a problem. 

    Mostly, the signal from multiple antennas is combined using a simple
    splitter, but this solution doesn’t work:

    Loss of 4dB (minimum) = only half the signal left when combining 2

    Channels with same Channel Number are lost
    Poor isolation between adjacent channels
    Lots of interruptions due to bad signal quality

    TV viewers are looking more and more towards terrestrial TV reception. But
    the current situation is absolutely not optimal…

    So the market needs a solution that offers better signal quality, more TV
    channels, Plug & Play installation!

    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Channels with the same frequency can be amplified in and re-located to the
    4G/5G band (switchable)
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power
    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 4G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7473L2
    Next: Ref. KIT7474L2

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  • Johansson. KIT7474L2 - Smart Amp 4 IN
  (5G) KIT

    KIT7474L2 Smart Amp 4 IN (5G) KIT




    Combining multiple terrestrial antennas for full HDTV reception in SFU is
    often a problem. 

    Mostly, the signal from multiple antennas is combined using a simple
    splitter, but this solution doesn’t work:

    Loss of 4dB (minimum) = only half the signal left when combining 2

    Channels with same Channel Number are lost
    Poor isolation between adjacent channels
    Lots of interruptions due to bad signal quality

    TV viewers are looking more and more towards terrestrial TV reception. But
    the current situation is absolutely not optimal… 

    So the market needs a solution that offers better signal quality, more TV
    channels, Plug & Play installation!

    Product features:

    Scans all channels, amplifies the weak signals while keeping the strong

    All output channels have an equal and stable output power
    Treats even the most difficult situations with adjacent channels
    Channels with the same frequency can be amplified in and re-located to the
    4G/5G band (switchable)
    Fully automatic channel scan and process function upon double power
    Fully automatic recognition of the applied country channel plan
    SAW filters for 5G protection on all inputs
    Outdoor weatherproof mast-head housing
    DC Power over coax
    All ports ESD protected

    Back: Ref. KIT7474L1
    Next: Ref. PFA-6700

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  • Johansson. 7781 - Multiband Distribution
  amplifier 1 cable input

    7781 Multiband Distribution amplifier 1
    cable input

    High output power distribution amplifier (cable) with separate gain

    Johansson offers a new range of high output power Multiband distribution

    The amplifiers are fully 5G-ready and have a high gain. 
    This ensures a perfect signal quality throughout the building. 
    The amplifiers are far more efficient than their predecessors. 

    1 Cable input + Return Path 
    split-band amplifiers with interstage attenuators and dynamic range of 20
    high gain, high output power 
    high input power to ensure input overload is virtually impossible 
    compact housing 
    detachable power supply (included) 
    -30 dB test output 

    Back: Ref. 7724L2
    Next: Ref. 7784

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  • Johansson. 7784 - Multiband Distribution
  amplifier 4 inputs

    7784 Multiband Distribution amplifier 4

    High output power distribution amplifier (BI/FM, BIII/DAB, UHF1, UHF2) with
    separate gain adjustments, DC selection and 5G selection

    Johansson offers a new range of high output power Multiband distribution

    The RED compliant amplifiers are fully 5G-ready and have a high
    This ensures a perfect signal quality throughout the building. 
    The amplifiers are far more efficient than their predecessors. 

    4 inputs: BI/FM, BIII/DAB, UHF1, UHF2 
    split-band amplifiers with interstage attenuators and dynamic range of 20
    high gain, high output power 
    high input power to ensure input overload is virtually
    VDC switchable remote power 
    compact housing 
    detachable power supply (included) 
    -30 dB test output 
    RED compliant 

    Back: Ref. 7781
    Next: Ref. 7785

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  • Johansson. 7785 - Multiband Distribution
  amplifier 5 inputs

    7785 Multiband Distribution amplifier 5

    High output power distribution amplifier (BI/FM, BIII/DAB, UHF1, UHF2, SAT)
    with separate gain adjustments, DC selection and 5G selection

    Johansson offers a new range of high output power Multiband distribution

    The RED compliant amplifiers are fully 5G-ready and have a high
    This ensures a perfect signal quality throughout the building. 
    The amplifiers are far more efficient than their predecessors. 

    5 inputs: BI/FM, BIII/DAB, UHF1, UHF2, SAT 
    split-band amplifiers with interstage attenuators and dynamic range of 20
    high gain, high output power 
    high input power to ensure input overload is virtually
    VDC switchable remote power 
    compact housing 
    detachable power supply (included) 
    -30 dB test output 
    RED compliant 

    Back: Ref. 7784
    Next: Ref. 8180

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  • Johansson. 7720L2 - Wide band indoor
  amplifier 5G

    7720L2 Wide band indoor amplifier

    1 input (47-694 MHz) / 2 outputs / gain VHF-UHF: 13-28 dB

    1 wideband input: 47-694 MHz (VHF-UHF) 
    2 outputs 
    Adjustable gain: 13-28 dB 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN rail mounting 
    24V / 55 mA DC switchable at input 

    Back: Ref. 7415L2
    Next: Ref. 7722L

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  • Johansson. 7722L - VHF-UHF indoor
  amplifier 4G

    7722L VHF-UHF indoor amplifier 4G

    1 input (40-320+ 470-790 MHz) / 2 outputs / gain VHF: 15-30 dB / gain UHF:
    18-28 dB

    1 input: 40-320 MHz + 470-790 MHz 
    2 outputs 
    Adjustable VHF gain: 15-30 dB 
    Adjustable UHF gain: 18-28 dB 
    Switchable remote power 
    Power LED indicator 

    Back: Ref. 7720L2
    Next: Ref. 7722L2

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  • Johansson. 7722L2 - VHF-UHF indoor
  amplifier 5G

    7722L2 VHF-UHF indoor amplifier 5G

    1 input (40-320+ 470-694 MHz) / 2 outputs / gain VHF: 15-30 dB / gain UHF:
    18-28 dB

    1 input: 40-320 MHz + 470-694 MHz 
    2 outputs 
    Adjustable VHF gain: 15-30 dB 
    Adjustable UHF gain: 18-28 dB 
    Switchable remote power 
    Power LED indicator

    Back: Ref. 7722L
    Next: Ref. 7724L2

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  • Johansson. 7724L2 - VHF-UHF indoor
  amplifier 5G

    7724L2 VHF-UHF indoor amplifier 5G

    1 input (40-320 + 470-694 MHz) / 4 outputs / gain VHF: 13-28 dB / gain UHF:
    15-25 dB

    1 input: 40-320 MHz + 470-694 MHz 
    4 outputs 
    Adjustable VHF gain: 13-28 dB 
    Adjustable UHF gain: 15-25 dB 
    24VDC switchable remote power 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall and DIN rail mountable 

    Back: Ref. 7722L2
    Next: Ref. 7781

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  • Johansson. 9672L2 - TV-SAT Indoor
  Amplifier (5G)

    9672L2 TV-SAT Indoor Amplifier (5G)

    TV-SAT Indoor Amplifier 1 input / 2 output / Gain CABLE: 23 / Gain SAT:

    1 input/2 output 
    5G compatible 
    Adjustable gain
    Gain CABLE: 23 ​/ Gain SAT: 30
    Fixed slope on satellite 
    DC power pass: switchable 
    Universal input power: 85-240V~

    Back: Ref. 9670
    Next: Ref. 9720

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  • Johansson. 7322 - DTT 4G preamplifier

    7322 DTT 4G preamplifier

    UHF Ch21-60 (4G) : 10-25dB 24V

    Low noise 4G preamplifier 25 dB adjustable gain

    High selectivity UHF filter with built-in GSM trap Compact
    Power led indicator 
    Wall / mast mounting with strap 

    7322 Preamplifier: 
    1 input / 1 output 
    4G rejection 
    Ultra low-noise 
    Adjustable gain 
    High selectivity 
    Built-in GSM trap 
    Power LED indicator 
    Mast or wall mounting

    Back: Ref. 7317
    Next: Ref. 7322L2

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  • Johansson. 7322L2 - DTT 5G preamplifier

    7322L2 DTT 5G preamplifier

    UHF Ch21-48(5G) : 10-25dB 24V

    Low noise 5G preamplifier 25 dB adjustable gain High selectivity UHF filter
    with built-in GSM trap Compact housing 

    Power led indicator 
    Wall / mast mounting with strap 

    7322L2 Preamplifier: 
    1 input / 1 output 
    5G rejection 
    Ultra low-noise 
    Adjustable gain 
    High selectivity 
    Built-in GSM trap 
    Power LED indicator 
    Mast or wall mounting

    Back: Ref. 7322
    Next: Ref. 7327

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  • Johansson. 7327 - UHF DTT preamplifier 4G

    7327 UHF DTT preamplifier 4G

    UHF Ch21-60 4G: 15dB 5-24V

    7327 Preamplifier: 

    1 input / 1 output 
    4G rejection 
    Ultra low-noise 
    15dB gain 
    Low power consumption : only 20mA 
    Power indication LED 
    5-24VDC operating voltage 
    Mast or wall mounting

    Back: Ref. 7322L2
    Next: Ref. 7327L2

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  • Johansson. 7327L2 - UHF 5G preamplifier

    7327L2 UHF 5G preamplifier 5G

    UHF Ch21-48 (5G): 15dB 5-24V

    7327L2 Preamplifier: 

    1 input / 1 output 
    5G rejection 
    Ultra low-noise 
    15dB gain 
    Low power consumption : only 20mA 
    Power indication LED 
    5-24VDC operating voltage 
    Mast or wall mounting 

    Back: Ref. 7327
    Next: Ref. 7329

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  • Johansson. 7329 - UHF Preamplifier (5G)
  (Improved quality)

    7329 UHF Preamplifier (5G) (Improved

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 32dB 24V

    1 input/1 output 
    5G rejection 
    15-32 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    24 VDC operating voltage 
    Improved quality

    Back: Ref. 7327L2
    Next: Ref. 7332

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  • Johansson. 7332 - UHF Preamplifier (5G)
  (High performance)

    7332 UHF Preamplifier (5G) (High

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 34dB 12-24V

    7332 UHF Preamplifier (5G) 

    1 input/1 output 
    5G rejection 
    19-34 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    12-24 VDC operating voltage 
    High performance

    Back: Ref. 7329
    Next: Ref. 7332DC

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  • Johansson. 7332DC - UHF Preamplifier (5G)
  (High performance)

    7332DC UHF Preamplifier (5G) (High

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 34dB 12-24V

    7332 UHF Preamplifier (5G) 

    1 input/1 output 
    Switchable DC power pass
    Up to 108 dBµV output power
    LTE (5G) rejection 
    Ultra low-noise 
    10-34 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    12-24 VDC operating voltage 
    High performance
    KIT (with Power Supply ref. 2436): KIT7332

    Back: Ref. 7332
    Next: Ref. 7411

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  • Johansson. 7411 - VHF-UHF preamplifier

    7411 VHF-UHF preamplifier

    VHF: 5-23dB / UHF Ch21-48 (5G): 12-32dB 12-24V

    7411 Preamplifier:

    1 x VHF input / 1 x UHF input
    1 wideband output
    Up to 111dBµV output power
    5-23dB adjustable gain on VHF
    12-32dB adjustable gain on UHF
    5G rejection
    Power indication LED
    12-24 VDC operating voltage

    Back: Ref. 7332DC
    Next: Ref. 7412

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  • Johansson. 7412 - VHF-2UHF preamplifier

    7412 VHF-2UHF preamplifier

    VHF: 5-23dB / 2xUHF Ch21-48 (5G): 12-32dB 12-24V

    7412 Preamplifier:

    1 x VHF input / 2 x UHF input
    1 wideband output
    Up to 111dBµV output power
    5-23dB adjustable gain on VHF
    12-32dB adjustable gain on UHF
    5G rejection

    Power indication LED
    12-24 VDC operating voltage

    Back: Ref. 7411
    Next: Ref. 7413DC

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  • Johansson. 7413DC - VHF-2UHF PREAMPLIFIER

    & 2 OUTPUTS

    VHF: 0-20dB / 2xUHF: 8-28dB / 2 outputs / Ch21-48 (5G) / Switchable DC
    power pass / 12-24V

    1 x VHF (BIII/DAB) input / 2 UHF inputs
    2 wideband outputs
    Switchable DC power pass
    Up to 109 dBμV output power
    0-20 dB adjustable gain on VHF
    8-28 dB adjustable gain on UHF
    5G rejection
    Ultra low-noise
    Power indication LED
    12-24 VDC operating voltage
    Wall or mast mountable

    Back: Ref. 7412
    Next: Ref. 7415L2

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  • Johansson. 7415L2 - 3 inputs DTT
  preamplifier-combiner 5G

    7415L2 3 inputs DTT preamplifier-combiner

    FM / BIII-DAB / UHF inputs 12dB / 15-30dB / 20-35dB 24V

    7415L2 Preamplifier : 

    FM input / BIII or DAB input / UHF input 
    1 wideband output 
    12dB gain on FM 
    15-30dB adjustable gain on BIII/DAB 
    20-35dB adjustable gain on UHF 
    5G rejection 
    24 VDC operating voltage 
    Wall or mast mountable 

    Back: Ref. 7413DC
    Next: Ref. 7720L2

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  • Johansson. KIT7329 - UHF Preamplifier
  (5G) (Improved quality) + Power Supply

    KIT7329 UHF Preamplifier (5G) (Improved
    quality) + Power Supply

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 32dB 24V

    7329 UHF Preamplifier (5G): 

    1 input/1 output 
    5G rejection 
    15-32 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    24 VDC operating voltage 
    Improved quality 

    Power Supply: 

    High-efficiency power supply 
    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable

    Back: Ref. KIT6714
    Next: Ref. KIT7332

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  • Johansson. KIT7332 - UHF Preamplifier
  (5G) (High performance) + Power Supply

    KIT7332 UHF Preamplifier (5G) (High
    performance) + Power Supply

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 34dB 12-24V

    7332 UHF Preamplifier (5G):

    1 input/1 output 
    5G rejection 
    19-34 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    12-24 VDC operating voltage 
    High performance 

    Power Supply: 

    High-efficiency power supply 
    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable

    Back: Ref. KIT7329
    Next: Ref. KIT7332DC

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  • Johansson. KIT7332DC - UHF Preamplifier
  (5G) (High performance) + Power Supply

    KIT7332DC UHF Preamplifier (5G) (High
    performance) + Power Supply

    UHF Preamplifier (5G): 34dB 12-24V + DC-Pass

    7332DC UHF Preamplifier (5G):

    1 input/1 output
    Switchable DC power pass
    Up to 108 dBµV output power 
    LTE (5G) rejection 
    Ultra Low-noise 
    10-34 dB adjustable gain 
    Power indication LED 
    12-24 VDC operating voltage 
    High performance 

    Power Supply: 

    High-efficiency power supply 
    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable

    Back: Ref. KIT7332
    Next: Ref. KIT7415L2

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  • Johansson. KIT7415L2 - VHF/UHF
  preamplifier 5G + power supply KIT

    KIT7415L2 VHF/UHF preamplifier 5G + power
    supply KIT

    KIT Ampli FM / BIII-DAB / UHF 5G with power supply

    7415L2 Preamplifier: 

    FM input / BIII or DAB input / UHF input 
    1 wideband output 
    12dB gain on FM 
    15-30dB adjustable gain on BIII/DAB 
    20-35dB adjustable gain on UHF 
    5G rejection 
    24 VDC operating voltage 
    Wall or mast mountable 
    High-efficiency power supply ​ 
    2436 Power Supply: 

    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable

    Back: Ref. KIT7332DC
    Next: Ref. KIT7460L2/2436

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  • Johansson. KIT7460L2/2436 - UHF
  Preamplifier + power supply KIT

    KIT7460L2/2436 UHF Preamplifier + power
    supply KIT

    VHF : 0-20 dB / UHF Ch 21-48 (5G) : 15-35dB 24V switch mode power supply –
    2 outputs

    7460L2 Preamplifier: 

    1 x VHF input / 1 x UHF input 
    1 wideband output 
    Up to 105dBµV output power 
    5-20dB adjustable gain on VHF 
    15-35dB adjustable gain on UHF 
    5G + GSM rejection 
    Power indication LED 
    24 VDC operating voltage 

    2436 Power Supply: 

    High-efficiency power supply 
    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable 

    Back: Ref. KIT7415L2
    Next: Ref. KIT7471L2

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  • Johansson. 2436 - 24 V power supply

    2436 24 V power supply

    24V power supply 150mA 2 outputs

    24V stabilized 
    Short-circuit protection 
    Power LED indicator 
    Wall or DIN-rail mountable with clips (included)

    Back: Ref. 215250
    Next: Ref. 2437

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  • Johansson. 2437 - 12 V power supply

    2437 12 V power supply

    12V power supply 400 mA 2 outputs

    12V stabilized
    short-circuit protection
    power LED indicator
    wall or DIN-rail mountable with clips (included)

    Back: Ref. 2436
    Next: Ref. 2438

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  • Johansson. 2438 - 12 V power supply

    2438 12 V power supply

    12V power supply 750 mA 1 outputs

    12V stabilized
    short-circuit protection
    power LED indicator
    wall or DIN-rail mountable with clips (included)

    Back: Ref. 2437
    Next: Ref. 2452

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  • Johansson. 1269 - 2 inputs combiner

    1269 2 inputs combiner

    2 inputs combiner – VHF DC / UHF DC

    Low loss combiners 
    ‘F’ type connectors 
    Wall / mast mounting with strap 
    Models with other channels on request

    Next: Ref. 215221

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  • Johansson. 6023C48 - 5G filter

    6023C48 5G filter

    5G filter: 30dB rejection of UHF channels 50-69 (indoor) 5-694MHz

    30 dB LTE rejection 
    In-line small housing 
    Indoor use

    Back: Ref. 5952
    Next: Ref. 6023C59

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  • Johansson. 6023C59 - 4G filter

    6023C59 4G filter

    4G filter: 25dB rejection of UHF channels 61-69 (indoor) 5-782MHz

    25 dB LTE rejection 
    In-line small housing 
    Indoor use

    Back: Ref. 6023C48
    Next: Ref. 6024C48

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  • Johansson. 6024C48 - 5G filter

    6024C48 5G filter

    5G filter: 40dB rejection of UHF channels 50-69 (indoor and outdoor)

    High LTE (4G/5G) rejection 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable

    Back: Ref. 6023C59
    Next: Ref. 6024C48FR

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  • Johansson. 6024C48FR - 5G filter ANFR

    6024C48FR 5G filter ANFR

    5G filter: 40dB rejection of UHF channels 50-69 (indoor and outdoor)

    High LTE (4G/5G) rejection 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable
    Filter approved by ANFR

    Back: Ref. 6024C48
    Next: Ref. 6024C59

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  • Johansson. 6024C59 - 4G filter

    6024C59 4G filter

    4G filter: 40dB rejection of UHF channels 61-69 (indoor and outdoor)

    High LTE (4G) rejection 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable

    Back: Ref. 6024C48FR
    Next: Ref. 6040C48

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  • Johansson. 6040C48 - 5G filter

    6040C48 5G filter

    5G filter 35dB rejection of UHF channels 49-69 (indoor) 470-694MHz

    UHF / Tetra filter 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable 
    RED compliant

    Back: Ref. 6024C59
    Next: Ref. 6040C58

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  • Johansson. 6040C58 - 4G filter

    6040C58 4G filter

    4G filter 35dB rejection of UHF channels 61-69 (indoor) 470-774MHz

    UHF / Tetra filter 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable

    Back: Ref. 6040C48
    Next: Ref. 6040C59

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  • Johansson. 6040C59 - 4G filter

    6040C59 4G filter

    4G filter 30dB rejection of UHF channels 61-69 (indoor) 470-782MHz

    UHF / Tetra filter 
    Indoor and outdoor mountable

    Back: Ref. 6040C58
    Next: Ref. 6700

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  • Johansson. 7317 - DTT line amplifier

    7317 DTT line amplifier

    UHF Ch.21-69, 15dB, 5-24V

    Low noise UHF line amplifier 
    Ideal to pump up low level signals and reject impulse noise in DTT
    Powered with 5-24V of DTT (DVB-T) receiver

    Back: Ref. 6713
    Next: Ref. 7322

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  • Johansson. 9920 - Twin DiSEqC multiswitch

    9920 Twin DiSEqC multiswitch 5/2

    2 x 2 SAT input (2 Twin LNBs) + 1 terr. 2 output

    Switch for 2 TWIN LNB’s combined with terrestrial

    Back: Ref. 9780ETH
    Next: Ref. 9930

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