Category: Profiler Technology
Profiler Technology
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6700 Profiler
Revolution (Now with AUTO SCAN!)Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF /
> 50 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote powerThe Johansson Profiler Revolution is an easy to use programmable filter
amplifier and convertor for terrestrial signals. The module optimizes
terrestrial VHF/UHF and BI+FM signals from multiple inputs with the goal to
provide high quality images on your TV screen. The state-of-the-art programmable
filter amplifier has no equivalent on the market due to its revolutionary
Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
Can process more than 50 channels (32 filters)
Can process individual DAB channels (1,7 MHz)
Can process S-Band output channels
Can simultaneously handle VHF & UHF signals from the same input
Can convert a wide selection of channels
5G LTE Protection (694MHz)
Sharpest filters on the market (>50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual filters
Complete flexibility in assigning filters from any input. Each channel can
be frequency shifted to any other channel in the VHF or UHF band (Flex
To avoid unauthorized persons changing the settings, all Profiler products
can be locked with a security code
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF including DAB Subchannels
12-24 V remote power (Auto DC during channel scan)
Product dimensions (H X W X D): 165mm x 217mm x 59mmBack: Ref. 6040C59
Next: Ref. 6701 -
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6701 Profiler Revolution Lite
Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: BI+FM / 4 x VHF-UHF /
> 50 Channels / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V remote power / AUTOSCANThe new Johansson Profiler Revolution LITE has no equivalent on the market
due to its revolutionary technology:Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process more than 50 channels
Can convert a wide selection of channels
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
The Profiler Revolution facilitates straightforward configuration and is
the most cost-efficient Profiler on the market
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4) .Here’s what the first users of the Profiler Revolution say:
it truly is an innovative product with 5 big advantages:
The most cost-efficient channel convertor solution on the market, with
great flexibility to assign any VHF/UHF input to any VHF/UHF
Very easy and fast installation , without the need for a field strength
Extremely sharp filters , 50 dB on adjacent channels and integrated 5G
filters. The Profiler Revolution can filter and amplify very weak signals.
This is something that our test users could not do in the past with other
Perfect headend for your fibre installation to equalise and optimise the
Excellent quality of the output signal , the Profiler Revolution optimises
the incoming digital terrestrial signal to assure supreme video quality on
the end-users’ TV-screensBack: Ref. 6700
Next: Ref. 6702 -
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6702 Profiler Revolution SAT
Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 6 inputs: SAT/ FM / 4 x VHF-UHF
/ > 50 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote power / AUTOSCANIncrease the amount of content, minimize installation costs and improve the
video quality with the profiler revolution SATWhen satellite content must be combined with a terrestrial source,
additional and expensive equipment must be installed.
With the Profiler Revolution SAT, this problem is solved.
The 6702 is a state-of-the-art digital Profiler, and an additional
Satellite stream can be added to the output.The new Johansson Profiler Revolution SAT has no equivalent on the market
due to its revolutionary technology:
Smart & Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process more than 50 channels (Terrestrial and Satellite)
Can convert a wide selection of Terrestrial channels
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
The Profiler Revolution SAT facilitates straightforward
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)Back: Ref. 6701
Next: Ref. 6710 -
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6710 Profino Revolution
Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 4 inputs: 1 FM + 1 DAB/VHF + 2
UHF / 20 Channels / AGC / 12-24 V remote powerThe Profino Revolution will boost your business
The Profino Revolution is a light version digital Profiler.
The 6710 has 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs.
Up to 20 Channels can be filtered and amplified.
The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp.The new Johansson Profino Revolution has no equivalent on the market due to
its revolutionary technology:
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process up to 20 channels
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
The Profino Revolution is really easy to install
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)Back: Ref. 6702
Next: Ref. 6711 -
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6711 Profino Revolution Plus
Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 4 inputs: 1 FM + 1 DAB/VHF + 2
UHF / >50 Channels (15 filters) / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V remote
powerThe Profino Revolution Plus will boost your business
The Profino Revolution Plus is a light version digital
The 6711 has 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs.
> 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted.
The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp.The new Johansson Profino Revolution Plus has no equivalent on the market
due to its revolutionary technology:
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process up to > 50 channels
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
The Profino Revolution Plus is really easy to install
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)
Equalize and optimize terrestrial signals for your optical installation (70
dBµV output power is optimal: you might use the test port (-30dB))Back: Ref. 6710
Next: Ref. 6713 -
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6713 Profino Revolution Plus SAT
Programmable terrestrial filter amplifier: 5 inputs: 1 SAT + 1 FM + 1
DAB/VHF + 2 UHF / >50 Channels (15 filters) / 126dBµV / AGC / 12-24 V
remote powerThe Profino Revolution Plus Sat will boost your business
The Profino Revolution Plus SAT is a light version digital
The 6713 has 1SAT, 1 FM, 1 DAB/VHF and 2 UHF inputs.
> 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted.
The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp.The new Johansson Profino Revolution Plus SAT has no equivalent on the
market due to its revolutionary technology:
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process up to > 50 channels (Terrestrial and Satellite)
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application
The Profino Revolution Plus SAT is really easy to install
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)
Equalize and optimize terrestrial and satellite signals for your optical
installation (70 dBµV output power is optimal: you might use the test port
(-30dB))Back: Ref. 6711
Next: Ref. 7317 -
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KIT6714 Profino Revolution Lite + Power
SupplyProgrammable terrestrial filter amplifier: AUTOSCAN FUNCTION / 1 FM/VHF/UHF
& 2 VHF/UHF inputs / >50 Channels (32 filters) / 108 dBµV / AGC /
Power over Coax / 12V Power Supply Included (ref.2438)The Profino Revolution Lite is a light version digital Profiler with
Auto-scan function.The KIT6714 has 1 FM/VHF/UHF & 2 VHF/UHF inputs.
> 50 Channels can be filtered, amplified and converted.
The filters on adjacent channels are extremely sharp.
DC powering via output
12V Power Supply Included (ref.2438)The new Johansson Profino Revolution Lite has no equivalent on the market
due to its revolutionary technology:
Read-out of input level strength: no need for field strength
Can process up to > 50 channels
Sharpest filters on the market (50 dB on adjacent channels)
Real-time AGC on all individual multiplexes
Flex matrix: complete flexibility in assigning filters from any
Made in Europe, for worldwide application.
Patented technology!
With the Auto-scan function, the Profino Revolution Lite is really easy to
RED compliant (selectivity classification 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4)Back: Ref. DIPLEXR1-09
Next: Ref. KIT7329